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Shrawan is a popular Hindu calendar month in Nepal, corresponding to July-August in the Gregorian calendar. It holds significant religious and cultural importance, especially among married women who observe various rituals and festivals throughout this month to honor Lord Shiva and seek blessings for their husbands' well-being.

Sample Sentences:

Noun (Proper):

1. I visited Pashupatinath Temple during the auspicious month of Shrawan to witness the devotees' fervent prayers.

2. Many Nepali women fast every Monday of Shrawan as a part of their religious rituals.

Noun (Common):

1. The month of Shrawan brings a sense of festivity and devotion among Nepali households.

2. In rural areas, Shrawan is the time for planting paddy fields.


1. A Shrawani bracelet is a popular accessory worn by women during this sacred month.

2. The Shrawan evenings are incredibly soothing, with gentle rain showers refreshing the surroundings.

Related Products:

Amazon Search: Shiva Idols

Amazon Search: Hindu Religious Calendars

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