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showy milkweed


Definitions from WordNet

Noun showy milkweed has 1 sense
  1. showy milkweed, Asclepias speciosa - milkweed of southern North America having large starry purple-pink flowers
    --1 is a kind of milkweed, silkweed

Definitions from the Web

Showy Milkweed

Showy milkweed, scientifically known as Asclepias speciosa, is a perennial plant native to North America. It belongs to the milkweed family and is recognizable by its vibrant flowers and broad leaves.

1. Noun (Plant)

Showy milkweed refers to the plant itself, with its unique characteristics and importance in the ecosystem. It attracts pollinators like butterflies and bees and serves as a host plant for monarch butterfly larvae.

Example sentence: The monarch butterflies laid their eggs on the showy milkweed plants in my garden.

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2. Noun (Flower)

The showy milkweed flower blossoms in clusters, displaying a striking combination of pink to purplish flowers with a sweet fragrance. These flowers are a crucial source of nectar for various insects and butterflies.

Example sentence: The showy milkweed flowers attracted a swarm of bees to our backyard.

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3. Adjective

Showy milkweed can also be used as an adjective to describe something extravagant, attention-grabbing, or ostentatious.

Example sentence: She arrived at the party wearing a showy milkweed-colored gown that turned heads.

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