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Noun shilling has 6 senses
  1. Ugandan shilling, shilling - the basic unit of money in Uganda; equal to 100 cents
    --1 is a kind of Ugandan monetary unit
  2. Tanzanian shilling, shilling - the basic unit of money in Tanzania; equal to 100 cents
    --2 is a kind of Tanzanian monetary unit
  3. Somalian shilling, shilling - the basic unit of money in Somalia; equal to 100 cents
    --3 is a kind of Somalian monetary unit
  4. Kenyan shilling, shilling - the basic unit of money in Kenya; equal to 100 cents
    --4 is a kind of Kenyan monetary unit
  5. British shilling, shilling, bob - a former monetary unit in Great Britain
    --5 is a kind of British monetary unit
    --5 has parts: cent
  6. shilling - an English coin worth one twentieth of a pound
    --6 is a kind of
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