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Definitions from WordNet

Noun shelterbelt has 1 sense
  1. windbreak, shelterbelt - hedge or fence of trees designed to lessen the force of the wind and reduce erosion
    --1 is a kind of hedge, hedgerow

Definitions from the Web


Noun (Countable):

A shelterbelt refers to a line or belt of trees or shrubs planted to provide protection or act as a barrier against wind, dust, or erosion.

Example Sentence:

The farmer planted a shelterbelt of evergreen trees to shield his crops from the strong winds.

Noun (Uncountable):

Shelterbelt, when used in the uncountable sense, denotes the practice of planting trees or shrubs in a line or belt formation for the purpose of providing protection or acting as a barrier against wind, dust, or erosion.

Example Sentence:

The government encouraged the use of shelterbelt to combat soil erosion in rural areas.

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