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A shamracle refers to an extraordinary event or occurrence that is later discovered to be fake, deceptive, or fraudulent in nature.

Part of Speech:



Sense 1:

An unexpected, but counterfeit, happening

Sample Sentence:

Believers were initially convinced that the mysterious healing of an individual was a genuine miracle, but it turned out to be a shamracle orchestrated by con artists.

Sense 2:

A fraudulent display of supernatural powers or abilities

Sample Sentence:

The self-proclaimed psychic's performance was nothing more than a clever shamracle, as she used common tricks to fool her audience into believing in her mystical talents.

Sense 3:

An apparent marvel or wonder that is proven to be a hoax

Sample Sentence:

The discovery of what seemed to be an ancient artifact was later exposed as a shamracle, causing disappointment among the archaeology community.


The term "shamracle" is typically used in a negative context to emphasize the deceptive nature of an event or phenomenon.

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