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Definitions from WordNet

Noun shammy has 1 sense
  1. chamois, chamois leather, chammy, chammy leather, shammy, shammy leather - a soft suede leather formerly from the sheep of the chamois antelope but now from sheepskin
    --1 is a kind of leather
    --1 has particulars: wash leather

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: noun

Sense 1: a type of leather frequently used for cleaning or drying.

Usage: Shammy leather is highly absorbent, making it ideal for drying a car after washing.

Sample Sentence: I always keep a shammy in my glove compartment to quickly dry my windshield during rainstorms.

Related Products: Shammy Towels, Microfiber Cleaning Cloths

Part of Speech: verb

Sense 1: to dry or polish something using a shammy.

Usage: She decided to shammy her car to give it a sparkling finish.

Sample Sentence: The car detailer expertly shammyed the vehicle's exterior to achieve a glossy shine.

Related Products: Car Wax, Polishing Buffer

Part of Speech: adjective

Sense 1: referring to something that is composed of or resembling shammy leather.

Usage: The interior of the luxury car featured shammy seats, providing a lavish and comfortable feel.

Sample Sentence: The chef's apron was made from shammy material, which offered excellent resistance to stains and spills.

Related Products: Leather Cleaner, Fabric Freshener

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