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sea poppy


Definitions from WordNet

Noun sea poppy has 1 sense
  1. horn poppy, horned poppy, yellow horned poppy, sea poppy, Glaucium flavum - yellow-flowered Eurasian glaucous herb naturalized in along sandy shores in eastern North America
    --1 is a kind of flower
    --1 is a member of Glaucium, genus Glaucium

Definitions from the Web

Sea Poppy


The term "sea poppy" refers to a flowering plant belonging to the family Papaveraceae that is found in coastal regions. It is characterized by its vibrant yellow or orange flowers and is commonly found in sandy or rocky coastal areas.



1. A perennial herbaceous plant native to coastal regions, characterized by vibrant yellow or orange flowers.

Example sentence: The sea poppy can commonly be found along the sandy shores of the Mediterranean.

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1. Describing something that resembles or is associated with the sea poppy plant.

Example sentence: The painting depicted a beautiful coastal scene with sea poppy flowers blooming along the shoreline.


1. To plant or cultivate sea poppy plants in a garden or coastal area.

Example sentence: She enjoys sea poppy gardening and spends hours tending to her colorful coastal plants.

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