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sea pink


Definitions from WordNet

Noun sea pink has 1 sense
  1. cliff rose, sea pink, Armeria maritima - tufted thrift of seacoasts and mountains of north temperate zone; occasionally grown as a ground cover
    --1 is a kind of thrift

Definitions from the Web

Term: Sea Pink

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: A flowering plant of the genus Armeria, typically found along coastlines.


  1. The sea pink is known for its vibrant pink flowers.
  2. The sea pink is commonly found in sandy dunes.
  3. Sea pinks are often used in coastal garden designs.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Referring to something pink in color, resembling the flowers of sea pink.


  1. The sunset cast a sea pink glow across the sky.
  2. She wore a sea pink dress to the summer party.
  3. The walls of the nursery were painted in a sea pink shade.

Part of Speech: Noun (Local)

Sense: A colloquial term used in a specific coastal region to refer to mixed alcoholic beverages.


  1. At the beach bar, locals often ask for a sea pink to quench their thirst.
  2. The bartender recommended trying the signature sea pink cocktail.

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