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Definitions from WordNet

Noun scrappiness has 1 sense
  1. scrappiness - the trait of being scrappy and pugnacious
    --1 is a kind of
    combativeness, militance, militancy

Definitions from the Web

Term: scrappiness


Scrappiness refers to a quality or characteristic of being determined, resourceful, and tenacious, especially in the face of challenges or adversity. It is often associated with having a fighting spirit, perseverance, and a never-give-up attitude.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Noun: The state or quality of being scrappy; displaying great determination or resourcefulness.

- He showed incredible scrappiness in overcoming all obstacles to achieve his goals.

- Her scrappiness in business allowed her to succeed despite the tough competition.

Sense 2:

Adjective: Describing a person, team, or entity that exhibits a tenacious and determined nature.

- The scrappiness of the underdog team impressed the crowd, as they fought till the very end.

- Despite her small stature, she played with a scrappiness that intimidated her opponents.

Sense 3:

Adverb: In a manner that demonstrates resourcefulness or determination.

- He played scrappiness and energetically, never giving his opponents a moment's rest.

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