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scalp lock


Definitions from WordNet

Noun scalp lock has 1 sense
  1. scalp lock - a long tuft of hair left on top of the shaven head
    --1 is a kind of
    hairdo, hair style, coiffure

Definitions from the Web

Scalp Lock

Noun: A small section of hair that is left long, typically at the back of the head, while the rest of the head is shaved or has short hair.

Example Sentence: The Native American warrior proudly displayed his scalp lock as a symbol of strength and bravery.

Noun: A hairstyle characterized by a small tuft of hair standing upright on top of the head.

Example Sentence: The punk rock singer styled his scalp lock with vibrant colors, making a bold statement.

Noun: A strip of hair along the center of the head, often braided or adorned, traditionally worn by Native Americans.

Example Sentence: The young girl wore her scalp lock beautifully braided with colorful beads.

Verb: To ceremonially cut a scalp lock as a sign of mourning or as a traditional ritual.

Example Sentence: The tribe's members gathered to scalp lock in memory of their fallen leader.

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