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Definitions from WordNet

Noun scallopini has 1 sense
  1. scallopine, scallopini - sauteed cutlets (usually veal or poultry) that have been pounded thin and coated with flour
    --1 is a kind of dish
    --1 has particulars: veal scallopini

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Scallopini refers to a type of dish made by thinly slicing, pounding, and then sautéing meat, typically veal or chicken, that is coated with flour and served with a sauce.


As a noun:

  1. She ordered a delicious veal scallopini at the Italian restaurant.
  2. Have you ever tried chicken scallopini? It's absolutely scrumptious!

As a verb:

  1. You need to scallopini the meat before cooking it for the recipe.
  2. The chef expertly scallopinied the veal, resulting in a tender and flavorful dish.

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