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Adjective rustling has 1 sense
  1. murmurous, rustling, soughing, susurrous - characterized by soft sounds; "a murmurous brook"; "a soughing wind in the pines"; "a slow sad susurrous rustle like the wind fingering the pines"- R.P.Warren
    Antonym: loud (indirect, via soft)
Noun rustling has 2 senses
  1. rustling - the stealing of cattle
    --1 is a kind of
    larceny, theft, thievery, thieving, stealing
    Derived form: verb rustle2
  2. rustle, rustling, whisper, whispering - the light noise like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the wind
    --2 is a kind of noise
    Derived form: verb rustle1
Verb rustle has 2 senses
  1. rustle - make a dry crackling sound; "rustling silk"; "the dry leaves were rustling in the breeze"
    --1 is one way to
    sound, go
    Derived forms: noun rustle1, noun rustling2
    Sample sentences:
    You can hear animals rustle in the meadows
    The meadows rustle with animals
  2. rustle, lift - take illegally; "rustle cattle"
    --2 is one way to steal
    Derived forms: noun rustler1, noun rustling1
    Sample sentence:
    They rustle the animals
rustigate rustigated rusting rustle rustled rustler rustles rustless rustling rustproof rustproofed rusts rusty rusty blackbird rusty grackle rusty rig rusty woodsia

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