Definitions from WordNet
Noun rush-grass has 1 sense
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Definitions from the WebRush-grassNoun (Botany): A type of grass that belongs to the Juncaceae family, typically found in wetlands or marshy areas. Example sentence: The rush-grass provides essential habitat for a variety of wetland bird species. Noun (Local term): A colloquial term used in certain regions to refer to tall grasses or reeds. Example sentence: During the summer, the rush-grass grows plentifully along the banks of the local river. Adjective (Popular): An adjective commonly associated with the feeling of urgency, haste, or extreme speed. Example sentence: The team worked in a rush-grass manner to meet the deadline. Verb (Local slang): To quickly move or dash towards a destination, often in an excited or anxious manner. Example sentence: We need to rush-grass through the crowd if we want to catch the last train. Related products on Amazon: | ||||
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