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Definitions from WordNet

Noun ruffian has 1 sense
  1. bully, tough, hooligan, ruffian, roughneck, rowdy, yob, yobo, yobbo - a cruel and brutal fellow
    --1 is a kind of attacker, aggressor, assailant, assaulter
    --1 has particulars:
     bullyboy; muscleman, muscle; skinhead; tough guy, plug-ugly

Definitions from the Web


A ruffian can refer to a violent or aggressive person, often involved in criminal activities, as well as a horse with unruly or unmanageable behavior. The term can also be used in a more general sense to describe someone who is rough or uncivilized in their manners or appearance.


  1. A violent or aggressive person involved in criminal activities.
  2. Example sentence: The town was plagued by a gang of ruffians, causing fear among the residents.

  3. A horse with unruly or unmanageable behavior.
  4. Example sentence: The jockey struggled to control the ruffian as it bucked and darted on the racetrack.

  5. Someone who is rough or uncivilized in their manners or appearance.
  6. Example sentence: The ruffian entered the cafe, loudly shouting and showing no regard for others.

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