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Definitions from WordNet

Noun roomful has 1 sense
  1. roomful - the quantity a room will hold
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Term: roomful

Part of speech: noun

Sense 1: the amount of space that a room can hold or accommodate

Example sentence: The roomful of guests filled the banquet hall to capacity.

Sense 2: a large number or quantity that fills a room

Example sentence: She whispered a roomful of secrets to her best friend.

Part of speech: adjective

Sense 1: filled with or having a large quantity of something

Example sentence: The roomful experience left him with a sense of awe and wonder.

Part of speech: adverb

Sense 1: to the fullest extent or degree; completely

Example sentence: She cleaned the house roomful, ensuring every corner was spotless.

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