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Noun riff has 2 senses
  1. Riff, Riffian - a Berber living in northern Morocco
    --1 is a kind of Berber
  2. riff - a jazz ostinato; usually provides a background for a solo improvisation
    --2 is a kind of
    Derived form: verb riff2
Verb riff has 2 senses
  1. flick, flip, thumb, riffle, leaf, riff - look through a book or other written material; "He thumbed through the report"; "She leafed through the volume"
    --1 is one way to peruse
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s PP
  2. riff - play riffs
    --2 is one way to
    play, spiel
    Derived form: noun riff2
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s
riet rieure rieusement rievel rif rifadin rifampin rife riff riffed riffian riffing riffle riffle shot riffles riffraff riffs

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