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rhyming slang


Definitions from WordNet

Noun rhyming slang has 1 sense
  1. rhyming slang - slang that replaces words with rhyming words or expressions and then typically omits the rhyming component; "Cockney rhyming slang"
    --1 is a kind of
    cant, jargon, slang, lingo, argot, patois, vernacular

Definitions from the Web

Rhyming Slang

Definition: Rhyming slang is a type of slang where words or phrases are replaced with a rhyming phrase, often to conceal the true meaning.



Sense 1: A form of slang where a rhyming phrase is used to replace an intended word or phrase.

Example: In Cockney rhyming slang, "apples and pears" means "stairs".


Usage 1: Popular

Definition: Rhyming slang that is widely known and used among the general population.

Example: "Adam and Eve" is popular rhyming slang for "believe" in some regions of England.

Related products: Related books on Rhyming Slang

Usage 2: Local

Definition: Rhyming slang that is specific or confined to a particular region or community.

Example: "Butcher's hook" is local rhyming slang for "look" in the East End of London.

Related products: Cockney Rhyming Slang products on Amazon

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