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Definitions from WordNet

Noun argot has 1 sense
  1. cant, jargon, slang, lingo, argot, patois, vernacular - a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); "they don't speak our lingo"
    --1 is a kind of non-standard speech
    --1 has particulars: street name; rhyming slang

Definitions from the Web



Argot refers to a specialized, informal language or vocabulary used by a particular group or community. It typically serves as a means of communication among individuals with shared interests or experiences.



  1. The thieves used their own argot to communicate during the heist, making it difficult for the police to understand their conversations.
  2. Medical argot often involves complex, technical terms that are better understood by healthcare professionals.


  1. She always enjoyed exploring the city's argot slang, which gave her a sense of belonging to a certain subculture.
  2. The novel beautifully describes the argot language used by musicians in the jazz scene of the 1920s.

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