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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective raspy has 1 sense
  1. grating, gravel, gravelly, rasping, raspy, rough - unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound; "a gravelly voice"
    Antonyms: euphonious, euphonous (indirect, via cacophonous)

Definitions from the Web


Adjective (1):

Definition: Having a rough or harsh sound, typically caused by a throat condition or irritation.

Example Sentence: After shouting for hours at the concert, her voice became raspy.

Adjective (2):

Definition: Harsh or grating in manner or tone.

Example Sentence: The supervisor's raspy instructions intimidated the new employees.

Adjective (3):

Definition: Coarse or rough to the touch.

Example Sentence: The cat's tongue felt raspy as it licked my hand.


Definition: A raspy sound or voice.

Example Sentence: The singer's unique raspy made his songs even more captivating.

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