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query language


Definitions from WordNet

Noun query language has 1 sense
  1. command language, query language, search language - a source language consisting of procedural operators that invoke functions to be executed
    --1 is a kind of source language

Definitions from the Web

Query Language


A query language is a computer programming language used for retrieving specific information from a database or a search engine. It allows users to perform searches and extract the desired data by writing queries that specify the criteria for selection.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  • Noun

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Definition: A programming language specifically designed for querying databases or search engines.

Example Sentence: SQL (Structured Query Language) is a popular query language used for managing and retrieving data from relational databases.

Related Products: Search for query language books

Sense 2:

Definition: A syntax or set of commands used within a programming language to query and manipulate data.

Example Sentence: In JavaScript, the querySelector function allows you to find and manipulate elements within an HTML document using a query language.

Related Products: Search for query language programming books

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