Definitions from WordNet
Noun purkinje's system has 1 sense
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Definitions from the WebPurkinje's SystemDescription:The Purkinje's System refers to a specialized network of cells responsible for the coordinated contraction of the heart muscle. It consists of modified cardiac muscle fibers that conduct electrical signals stimulating the contraction of the ventricles. Senses:Sense 1 - Biological:In biology, the Purkinje's System is the network of specialized fibers in the heart that distribute electrical impulses to coordinate the rhythmic contractions of the ventricles. Related product: Cardiology Textbooks on Amazon Sense 2 - Physiology:In physiology, the Purkinje's System refers to the conduction system of the heart, consisting of Purkinje fibers, which are responsible for transmitting electrical impulses, ensuring the synchrony and efficiency of ventricular contraction. Related product: Physiology Textbooks on Amazon Sense 3 - Anatomy:In anatomy, the Purkinje's System represents a network of specialized fibers that spread throughout the ventricles of the heart, facilitating the transmission of electrical signals from the atrioventricular node to the ventricular myocardium. Related product: Human Anatomy Atlases on Amazon Sample Sentences:1. The Purkinje's System ensures the efficient pumping of blood by coordinating the contractions of the heart's ventricles. 2. The dysfunction of the Purkinje's System can lead to irregular heart rhythms and cardiac arrhythmias. 3. Studying the Purkinje's System provides valuable insights into the electrical conduction pathways of the heart. | ||||
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