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pummeled synonyms


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Pummeled Synonyms


When someone is pummeled, they are heavily beaten or repeatedly struck with force, causing physical harm or injury.

Sense 1 - Verb:

Synonyms: thrashed, pounded, battered

Sample Sentence: The boxer was pummeled mercilessly by his opponent during the match.

Sense 2 - Verb:

Synonyms: assaulted, attacked, beat

Sample Sentence: The innocent pedestrian was pummeled by the group of hooligans for no reason.

Sense 3 - Verb:

Synonyms: hammered, struck, hit

Sample Sentence: The hailstorm was so severe that it pummeled the car, leaving dents all over.

Sense 4 - Noun:

Synonyms: barrage, assault, onslaught

Sample Sentence: The team faced a pummel of criticism from the media after their loss in the championship.

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