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Definitions from WordNet

Verb pummel has 1 sense
  1. pummel, pommel, biff - strike, usually with the fist; "The pedestrians pummeled the demonstrators"
    --1 is one way to hit
    Sample sentence:
    The fighter managed to pummel his opponent

Definitions from the Web


(verb) - to strike or beat repeatedly, often with the fists

Example sentence: John pummeled the punching bag at the gym to release his frustration.

Related products: Punching bags on Amazon

(noun) - a series of repeated strikes or blows

Example sentence: The boxer delivered a powerful pummel, knocking his opponent down.

Related products: Boxing gloves on Amazon

(verb) - to forcefully criticize or attack verbally

Example sentence: The politician pummeled his opponent's policies during the debate.

Related products: Critical thinking books on Amazon

(noun) - a heavy, rhythmic pounding sound

Example sentence: The thunderstorm brought a relentless pummel of rain on the roof.

Related products: Sound machines on Amazon
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