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Noun prosody has 3 senses
  1. prosody, inflection - the patterns of stress and intonation in a language
    --1 is a kind of manner of speaking, speech, delivery
    --1 has particulars:
     intonation, modulation, pitch contour; caesura; enjambment, enjambement; stress, emphasis, accent; rhythm, speech rhythm
  2. poetic rhythm, rhythmic pattern, prosody - (prosody) a system of versification
    --2 is a kind of versification
    --2 is a part of poem, verse form
    --2 has particulars:
     meter, metre, measure, beat, cadence; sprung rhythm
  3. prosody, metrics - the study of poetic meter and the art of versification
    --3 is a kind of poetics
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