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phrasal verb


Definitions from WordNet

Noun phrasal verb has 1 sense
  1. phrasal verb - an English verb followed by one or more particles where the combination behaves as a syntactic and semantic unit; "`turn out' is a phrasal verb in the question `how many turned out to vote?'"
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Phrasal Verb

A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and one or more particles (typically prepositions or adverbs) that function together as a single unit, often having a different meaning than the individual words alone.


1. Main Sense: A phrasal verb functions as a verb phrase and has a distinct idiom-like meaning that cannot be easily deduced from its constituent parts.

Example: "She put up with his constant complaining."

2. Main Sense: A grammatical construction where a verb and a particle combine to create a new verb with a different meaning than the original verb alone.

Example: "They broke up last week."


1. Popular Usage: Phrasal verbs are frequently used in everyday speech, informal writing, and are an essential aspect of English language fluency.

Example: "I ran out to catch the bus."

2. Local Usage: Phrasal verb usage may vary regionally, with specific idiomatic expressions or local dialects.

Example: "Let's hang out at the coffee shop after work."

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