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pencil eraser


Definitions from WordNet

Noun pencil eraser has 1 sense
  1. rubber eraser, rubber, pencil eraser - an eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber); commonly mounted at one end of a pencil
    --1 is a kind of eraser
    --1 is a part of pencil

Definitions from the Web

Pencil Eraser

Description: A pencil eraser is a small, usually pink or white, rubber tool that is attached to the end of a pencil. It is used to remove or correct markings made by pencil on paper or other surfaces.


  • Sense 1: A small cylindrical or rectangular-shaped eraser made of rubber that is designed to fit onto the end of a pencil.
    • Usage: Before submitting the drawing, make sure to clean up any mistakes using your pencil eraser.
    • Usage: The pencil eraser effectively removes graphite marks from the paper.
  • Sense 2: An electronic eraser pen or pencil that uses friction or other methods to erase pencil markings.
    • Usage: The new pencil eraser I purchased has an innovative mechanical erasing method.
    • Usage: With a touch of a button, the electronic pencil eraser erases pencil marks effortlessly.

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