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Definitions from the Web

Term: Penalty-Free

Description: Penalty-free refers to an action or situation that does not incur any form of punishment or negative consequences. It implies being exempt from any penalties, fees, or charges that would typically apply.

Sense 1: Adjective

Usage: When used as an adjective, penalty-free describes something or someone that is devoid of penalties or fines. It indicates the absence of any negative repercussions for a particular action or decision.

Example Sentence: The penalty-free parking arrangements at the event venue saved attendees from worrying about receiving fines.

Sense 2: Adverb

Usage: As an adverb, penalty-free modifies an action or behavior and emphasizes the absence of penalties or charges associated with that action.

Example Sentence: She withdrew her funds penalty-free from the savings account after the required waiting period.

Sense 3: Noun

Usage: In noun form, penalty-free indicates a condition or provision where no penalties or fees are incurred for specific reasons.

Example Sentence: The penalty-free cancellation policy of the hotel allowed the guests to change their reservations without any extra charges.

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