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Noun patching has 1 sense
- patching - the act of mending a hole in a garment by sewing a patch over it
--1 is a kind of repair, fix, fixing, fixture, mend, mending, reparation
Verb patch has 4 senses
- patch, piece - to join or unite the pieces of; "patch the skirt"
--1 is one way to join, conjoin
Sample sentence:
They patch the cape
- patch - provide with a patch; also used metaphorically; "The field was patched with snow"
--2 is one way to supply, provide, render, furnish
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s something
- patch, patch up - mend by putting a patch on; "patch a hole"
--3 is one way to repair, mend, fix, bushel, doctor, furbish up, restore, touch on
Sample sentence:
They patch the cape
- piece, patch - repair by adding pieces; "She pieced the china cup"
--4 is one way to repair, mend, fix, bushel, doctor, furbish up, restore, touch on
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s something