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Verb oxygenize has 3 senses
  1. oxygenize, oxygenise - change (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part; or change (an element or ion) from a lower to a higher positive valence: remove one or more electrons from (an atom, ion, or molecule)
    --1 is one way to change, alter, modify
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something
  2. oxygenize, oxygenise - dehydrogenate with oxygen
    --2 is one way to dehydrogenate
    Derived form: noun oxygen1
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something
  3. oxygenate, oxygenize, oxygenise, aerate - impregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen; "oxygenate blood"
    --3 is one way to process, treat
    Derived form: noun oxygen1
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
oxygen deficit oxygen mask oxygenase oxygenate oxygenated oxygenated plants oxygenation oxygenise oxygenize oxyhaemoglobin oxyhalides oxyhemoglobin oxylebius oxylebius pictus oxymor oxymoran oxymorom

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