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oxygen deficit


Definitions from WordNet

Noun oxygen deficit has 1 sense
  1. oxygen deficit - temporary oxygen shortage in cells resulting from strenuous exercise
    --1 is a kind of
    deficit, shortage, shortfall

Definitions from the Web

Oxygen deficit


Oxygen deficit refers to the insufficient supply of oxygen to the body's tissues, organs, or cells resulting in an oxygen imbalance. It can indicate a shortage of oxygen due to reduced availability or increased demand, leading to various physiological and pathological effects.


Sense 1: Physiological Oxygen Deficit

In this sense, oxygen deficit refers to the inadequate oxygen supply during intense physical activities or exercise, causing a shortfall in the oxygen needed for the muscles to function optimally.

Sample Sentence: Engaging in high-intensity workouts can result in oxygen deficit, leading to fatigue and increased breathing rate.

Related Products: Oxygen Supplements

Sense 2: Pathological Oxygen Deficit

In this sense, oxygen deficit indicates the insufficient oxygen delivery to vital organs or tissues due to underlying medical conditions such as respiratory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, or anemia.

Sample Sentence: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can cause oxygen deficit, resulting in breathing difficulties and decreased energy levels.

Related Products: Oxygen Concentrator

Usages: Popular and Local

Popular Usage: Oxygen Debt

Oxygen debt is a commonly used term which describes the temporary oxygen deficiency that accumulates during physical activity, requiring an increased intake of oxygen after exercise to restore the body to its normal metabolic state.

Sample Sentence: After a strenuous workout, the body enters an oxygen debt situation, demanding an elevated oxygen intake for recovery.

Related Products: Fitness Recovery Products

Local Usage: Hypoxia

In certain regions or among specific groups, the term "oxygen deficit" may be locally referred to as hypoxia. Hypoxia indicates a deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching the body's tissues, which can result from various environmental, physiological, or pathological factors.

Sample Sentence: Prolonged exposure to high altitudes can lead to hypoxia, causing symptoms like shortness of breath and dizziness.

Related Products: Altitude Sickness Relief

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