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overhand stitch


Definitions from WordNet

Noun overhand stitch has 1 sense
  1. overhand stitch - a stitch passing over an edge vertically
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Overhand Stitch


The overhand stitch is a basic sewing stitch used to secure and join fabric or material layers together. It is characterized by a series of uniform diagonal stitches that pass through the fabric in an over-and-under motion.


As a Noun

1. The overhand stitch is commonly used to create strong and durable seams in garment construction.

Example sentence: She used an overhand stitch to sew the hem of her dress.

2. In leathercraft, the overhand stitch can be used to hand-sew edges and create decorative designs.

Example sentence: The leather wallet was beautifully crafted with an intricate overhand stitch pattern.

As a Verb

1. To overhand stitch, one should place the needle through the fabric, overlapping each stitch for a secure hold.

Example sentence: She carefully overhand stitched the tear on the fabric, ensuring a neat repair.

2. It is important to overhand stitch along the edges of the patch to prevent it from coming off.

Example sentence: The scout demonstrated how to overhand stitch a badge onto the uniform.

Related Products on Amazon

1. Overhand Stitch Kit

2. Overhand Stitching Book

3. Sewing Thread

4. Sewing Needles

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