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Dictionary Term: overhalu

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense 1: To renovate or refurbish

Description: Overhalu refers to the act of renovating, refurbishing, or completely revamping something, such as a building, vehicle, or machinery. It involves a thorough examination, repair, and improvement of the existing structure or components.

Example Sentences:
  1. The company decided to overhalu their office space to create a more modern and efficient work environment.
  2. After years of neglect, it was finally time to overhalu the old farmhouse and restore it to its former glory.

Related Products: Renovation books, Refurbishment tools

Sense 2: Local term for extreme excitement or enthusiasm

Description: In local terminology, overhalu is used to express a state of extreme excitement, enthusiasm, or anticipation. It represents a feeling of being overwhelmed yet thrilled about something.

Example Sentences:
  1. I can't contain my overhalu for the upcoming music festival; it's going to be absolutely amazing!
  2. The fans were filled with overhalu as they eagerly awaited the release of their favorite band's new album.

Related Products: Excitement games, Enthusiasm accessories

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