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Definitions from WordNet

Noun overachiever has 1 sense
  1. overachiever - a student who attains higher standards than the IQ indicated
    --1 is a kind of
    student, pupil, educatee

Definitions from the Web



An overachiever refers to a person who performs or succeeds beyond what is expected or required, often setting extremely high goals for themselves.

Part of Speech:



  1. Someone who consistently attains higher levels of achievement than anticipated or required.
  2. Someone who strives for excellence and goes beyond the norm in various aspects of life.


Popular Usage:

In popular usage, an overachiever is often characterized by having exceptional academic or professional success along with a high level of ambition and motivation.

Local Usage:

In certain local communities, an overachiever may also be referred to as a "go-getter," "high-flyer," or "superstar" due to their exceptional performance and accomplishments.

Sample Sentences:

  1. John's academic achievements are unparalleled in the class; he is a true overachiever.
  2. As an overachiever, Sarah not only completed all her tasks ahead of schedule but also volunteered for additional responsibilities.
  3. The company's success can be attributed to the overachievers it employs, who constantly surpass their targets.

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