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Definitions from WordNet

Noun oropharynx has 1 sense
  1. oropharynx - cavity formed by the pharynx at the back of the mouth
    --1 is a kind of
    cavity, bodily cavity, cavum
    --1 is a part of throat, pharynx

Definitions from the Web


Noun (Anatomy):

The oropharynx refers to the middle part of the pharynx, located behind the mouth and above the laryngopharynx. It plays a vital role in both digestion and respiration.

Example Sentence:

"The oropharynx is where the tonsils are located, which help filter out bacteria and other pathogens."

Noun (Medicine):

In medicine, the oropharynx is a part of the throat that carries both food and air, connecting the mouth and the esophagus.

Example Sentence:

"During the examination, the doctor observed inflammation in the patient's oropharynx, which may have been causing the sore throat."

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