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Noun naval battle has 1 sense
- naval battle - a pitched battle between naval fleets
--1 is a kind of battle, conflict, fight, engagement
--1 has particulars: | Actium; Aegates Isles, Aegadean Isles; Aegospotami, Aegospotamos; Bismarck Sea, battle of the Bismarck Sea; Coral Sea, battle of the Coral Sea; Hampton Roads; Jutland, battle of Jutland; Lepanto, Battle of Lepanto; Manila Bay; Midway, Battle of Midway; Navarino, battle of Navarino; Passero, Cape Passero, Passero Cape; Philippine Sea, battle of the Philippine Sea; Santiago, Santiago de Cuba; Battle of the Spanish Armada; Trafalgar, battle of Trafalgar; Tsushima |