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muffin man


Definitions from WordNet

Noun muffin man has 1 sense
  1. muffin man - formerly an itinerant peddler of muffins
    --1 is a kind of
    peddler, pedlar, packman, hawker, pitchman

Definitions from the Web

Muffin Man

Noun - Singular

A person who bakes or sells muffins.

Example Sentence:

The muffin man has a bakery on the corner.

Noun - Plural

A group of people who bake or sell muffins.

Example Sentence:

The local muffin men gather every Sunday for a baking competition.

Noun - Singular

A traditional character of a nursery rhyme commonly known as "The Muffin Man".

Example Sentence:

Have you heard the story of the muffin man who lives on Drury Lane?

Noun - Plural

A series of fictional characters called "muffin men" from various stories and movies.

Example Sentence:

The muffin men in that fantasy novel are remarkably skilled at magic and baking.


Describing something or someone related to muffins.

Example Sentence:

She brought an assortment of muffin man treats to the party.

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