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Definitions from WordNet

Noun mongoose has 1 sense
  1. mongoose - agile grizzled Old World viverrine; preys on snakes and rodents
    --1 is a kind of
    viverrine, viverrine mammal; Herpestes, genus Herpestes
    --1 has particulars:
     Indian mongoose, Herpestes nyula; ichneumon, Herpestes ichneumon

Definitions from the Web



A mongoose is a small carnivorous mammal belonging to the family Herpestidae. It is known for its agility, speed, and ability to kill venomous snakes. Mongooses have long bodies, short legs, and a tapered snout.


  1. Noun: A small carnivorous mammal native to Africa, Asia, and some islands, known for its ability to kill snakes.
  2. Noun: An object or software used to manage and manipulate MongoDB databases.
  3. Verb: To skillfully evade or bypass a difficulty or obstacle.


Sense 1:

The mongoose is highly skilled at hunting and killing venomous snakes.

Sample sentence: A mongoose swiftly attacked and killed the cobra that was lurking in the garden.

Sense 2:

A mongoose database is a popular choice for many developers working with modern web applications.

Sample sentence: Due to its scalability and ease of use, many developers prefer to use mongoose for their Node.js projects.

Sense 3:

The cunning politician managed to mongoose the legal complications and secure his position.

Sample sentence: With clever maneuvering, the defense attorney was able to mongoose the witness's contradictory statements.

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