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mongoloid race


Definitions from WordNet

Noun mongoloid race has 1 sense
  1. Yellow race, Mongoloid race, Mongolian race - an Asian race
    --1 is a kind of race
    --1 has members: Oriental, oriental person

Definitions from the Web

Mongoloid Race


The term "Mongoloid race" was historically used for a now outdated racial classification referring to a group of people with certain physical traits, primarily associated with East Asian populations. However, it is important to note that the concept of race is now considered controversial and scientifically invalid due to its arbitrary nature and lack of biological basis.

Senses and Usages:

1. Anthropological Sense:

In anthropology, the term "Mongoloid race" was once used to categorize individuals who exhibited physical features associated with East Asian populations, such as a distinctive epicanthic fold, straight hair, and prominent cheekbones. However, this racial classification is no longer considered accurate or widely accepted.

Related Products:

Books on East Asian History

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2. Offensive and Outdated Usage:

It is crucial to acknowledge that the term "Mongoloid race" has been used historically in a derogatory and discriminatory manner. Its usage is now widely considered offensive and inappropriate, promoting harmful stereotypes and perpetuating racism. It is strongly advised to avoid using this term in any context.

Related Products:

Books on Combating Racism

Sample Sentences:

  1. The term "Mongoloid race" was once utilized to classify populations in Asia based on physical characteristics.
  2. It is important to reject the outdated notion of different "races" and embrace the diversity of humanity.
  3. Using the term "Mongoloid race" to describe individuals is offensive and perpetuates harmful stereotypes.
  4. (Historical usage) The anthropologist studied the distinct physical traits of the Mongoloid race.
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