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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective metaphorical has 1 sense
  1. metaphorical, metaphoric - expressing one thing in terms normally denoting another; "a metaphorical expression"; "metaphoric language"
    Antonym: literal (indirect, via figurative)

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Relating to or constituting a metaphor; figurative speech or expression.

Part of Speech: Adjective


  1. Relating to metaphor; symbolic or figurative, often used to convey abstract concepts or representations.
  2. Using metaphorical language, comparisons, or expressions.

Example Sentences:

1. Her smile was a metaphorical ray of sunshine, brightening up everyone's day.

2. The author's metaphorical descriptions added depth and intrigue to the novel.

3. The coach used a metaphorical puzzle to explain the team's strategy for the upcoming match.

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