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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective meaningful has 1 sense
  1. meaningful - having a meaning or purpose; "a meaningful explanation"; "a meaningful discussion"; "a meaningful pause"
    meaningless, nonmeaningful, empty, hollow, vacuous, insignificant, unmeaning, mindless, nonsense, nonsensical, pointless, purposeless, senseless

Definitions from the Web


Adjective: having a deep or significant purpose; conveying a profound or purposeful message.

Example sentence: The meaningful lyrics of the song touched the hearts of all who listened to it.

Adjective: able to convey a clear and important message or intention.

Example sentence: The speaker delivered a meaningful presentation that left a lasting impact on the audience.

Adverb: in a significant or purposeful manner.

Example sentence: She smiled meaningfully, knowing she had made a difference.

Noun: something that holds deep significance or importance.

Example sentence: The necklace was a meaningful gift, symbolizing their eternal love.

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