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mean value


Definitions from WordNet

Noun mean value has 1 sense
  1. mean, mean value - an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n
    --1 is a kind of average, norm
    --1 has particulars:
     arithmetic mean, first moment, expectation, expected value; geometric mean; harmonic mean

Definitions from the Web

Mean Value

Mean Value (Noun)

Definition: The average value of a set of numbers, calculated by summing all the numbers in the set and dividing by the total number of values.

Example Sentence:

"To find the mean value of a list of test scores, add up all the scores and divide by the total number of students."

Mean Value (Adjective)

Definition: Characterized by being unkind or malicious.

Example Sentence:

"He can be quite mean value with his words, often hurting others unintentionally."

Mean Value (Local)

Definition: A term used in local slang to refer to an inexpensive restaurant or food stall that offers average quality food.

Example Sentence:

"Let's dine at the mean value place nearby; it's decent food for a reasonable price."

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