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Noun expectation has 4 senses
  1. expectation, outlook, prospect - belief about (or mental picture of) the future
    --1 is a kind of belief
    --1 has particulars:
     promise, hope; foretaste; possibility; anticipation, expectancy; apprehension, misgiving
    Derived forms: verb expect2, verb expect4, verb expect1
  2. anticipation, expectation - wishing with confidence of fulfillment
    --2 is a kind of hopefulness
    Derived forms: verb expect3, verb expect6
  3. expectation - the feeling that something is about to happen
    --3 is a kind of
    --3 has particulars: anticipation, expectancy
    Derived forms: verb expect1, verb expect5
  4. arithmetic mean, first moment, expectation, expected value - the sum of the values of a random variable divided by the number of values
    --4 is a kind of mean, mean value
expcet expealidosious expect expectable expectance expectancy expectant expectantly expectation expectations expected expected entrants expected rhyme expected value expectedness expecting expection

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