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Definitions from WordNet

Noun massine has 1 sense
  1. Massine, Leonide Fedorovitch Massine, Leonid Fyodorovich Myasin - French choreographer and ballet dancer (born in Russia) (1895-1979)
    --1 is a kind of dancer, professional dancer; choreographer

Definitions from the Web


Noun: Ballet Performer

A Massine refers to a ballet performer who specializes in performing the works of Léonide Massine, a renowned choreographer and dancer.

Example Sentence:

She was the lead Massine in the ballet performance of "The Three-Cornered Hat".

Noun: Local Celebration

In some regions, a Massine is a local celebration or festival often involving traditional music, dance, and food.

Example Sentence:

The annual Massine is the highlight of the town's cultural calendar, with locals and tourists joining in the festivities.

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