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mail man


Definitions from WordNet

Noun mail man has 1 sense
  1. mailman, postman, mail carrier, letter carrier, carrier - a man who delivers the mail
    --1 is a kind of deliveryman, delivery boy, deliverer

Definitions from the Web

Term: Mail Man

Noun - Person:

A mail man refers to a postal worker, typically a man, who is responsible for delivering letters, packages, and other mail to homes and businesses.

Example Sentence: The mail man is always punctual and reliable in delivering our mail.

Noun - Profession:

The term mail man can also denote the occupation of delivering mail as a postal worker.

Example Sentence: My uncle has been working as a mail man for over 20 years.

Noun - Local Jargon:

In certain local jargon, mail man can also refer to a person who handles local mail distribution within a specific area or establishment.

Example Sentence: The office mail man is responsible for sorting and delivering internal mail within the company.

Noun - Colloquial:

Colloquially, mail man can be used to describe any person who frequently sends or receives mail, regardless of their profession or gender.

Example Sentence: My grandmother eagerly waits for the mail man every day to see if there's a letter from her old friend.

Noun - Possible Related Products:

If you are interested in the mail man profession, you may find the following products helpful:

mail mail mail boat mail call mail car mail carrier mail clerk mail fraud mail man mail marketing mail order mail out mail pouch mail readme mail service mail slot mail train

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