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madonna louise ciccone


Definitions from WordNet

Noun madonna louise ciccone has 1 sense
  1. Madonna, Madonna Louise Ciccone - United States pop singer and sex symbol during the 1980s (born in 1958)
    --1 is a kind of singer, vocalist, vocalizer, vocaliser

Definitions from the Web

Madonna Louise Ciccone


Madonna Louise Ciccone, widely known as simply Madonna, is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and businesswoman. She has been a cultural icon for several decades, known for her immense influence on music, fashion, and popular culture. Madonna is renowned for her provocative image, sensational live performances, and constant reinvention. With a career spanning over four decades, she has achieved unparalleled success and is hailed as the "Queen of Pop."

Sample Sentences:

  1. Madonna Louise Ciccone released her first album in 1983.
  2. Many fans admire Madonna's ability to constantly reinvent herself.
  3. Madonna's fashion choices have often sparked trends.
  4. I attended Madonna's concert last night, and it was incredible!

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