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Adjective low-set has 2 senses
  1. chunky, dumpy, low-set, squat, squatty, stumpy - short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature; "some people seem born to be square and chunky"; "a dumpy little dumpling of a woman"; "dachshunds are long lowset dogs with drooping ears"; "a little church with a squat tower"; "a squatty red smokestack"; "a stumpy ungainly figure"
    Antonym: tall (indirect, via short)
  2. lowset, low-set - lower than average; "lowset ears"; "a stocky low-set animal"
    Antonym: high (indirect, via low)
low-quality low-range voice low-rate low-resolution low-rise low-risk low-risk investment low-salt diet low-set low-skill low-slung low-sodium diet low-speed low-spirited low-spiritedness low-stress low-sudsing

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