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light white


Definitions from the Web

Light White

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Bright or pale in color

Description: Light white refers to a color that is bright or pale, often close to white on the color spectrum.

Sample Sentence: The walls of the room were painted in a light white shade, giving it a spacious and airy feel.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: A type of wine

Description: Light white is a term used in the realm of wines to describe a variety that is typically pale in color with a crisp and refreshing taste.

Sample Sentence: She ordered a glass of light white to complement her seafood dish.

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense: To brighten or illuminate something

Description: To light white is to make something brighter or illuminate it with a white light.

Sample Sentence: She used a flashlight to light white the path as they walked through the dark forest.

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