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Definitions from WordNet

Noun langset has 1 sense
  1. lanseh tree, langsat, langset, Lansium domesticum - East Indian tree bearing an edible yellow berry
    --1 is a kind of tree
    --1 is a member of genus Lansium
    --1 has parts: lanseh, lansa, lansat, lanset

Definitions from the Web



Sense 1: A Scandinavian surname derived from the Old Norse words "lang" meaning "tall" and "set" meaning "place".

Example sentence: The Langset family originated from the beautiful Langset village in Norway.


Sense 1: Pertaining to a popular local dialect or language.

Example sentence: The langset phrases used in this region often incorporate unique expressions.


Sense 1: To establish or settle in a particular place.

Example sentence: The settlers langset in the valley, transforming it into a prosperous farming community.

Sense 2: (Dialectal, local) To adapt or adjust to the local language and customs.

Example sentence: It took her some time to langset to the customs of her new neighborhood.

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