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Definitions from WordNet

Noun lamedh has 1 sense
  1. lamedh - the 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
    --1 is a kind of
    letter, letter of the alphabet, alphabetic character
    --1 is a member of Hebrew alphabet, Hebraic alphabet, Hebrew script

Definitions from the Web



Lamedh is the twelfth letter of many Semitic abjads, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, and others. It represents the sound /l/ in these languages and is derived from the Egyptian hieroglyph "Djed".


Noun - Sense 1

Definition: The twelfth letter of the Hebrew alphabet (ל).

Example sentence: To write the word "lion" in Hebrew, you need to use the lamedh.

Related products: Hebrew Alphabet Poster

Noun - Sense 2

Definition: A person or thing that is considered slow-witted or foolish.

Example sentence: The lamedh in the story always provided comic relief with his silly antics.


Definition: Referring to something popular or trendy.

Example sentence: The café quickly became the lamedh spot for young people in the city.

Related products: Popular Trends Book


Definition: To make someone or something local or indigenous.

Example sentence: The government implemented a new policy to lamedh the country's products and reduce reliance on imports.

Related products: Local Products Cookbook

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