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Definitions from the Web

Term: Juicious

Adjective: Juicious

1. Describing a fruit or food that is very juicy and flavorful.

Sample Sentence: The juicious watermelon was a refreshing treat on a hot summer day.

Related Products: Juicy Fruits

Adjective: Juicious

1. Enjoyable, exciting, or fascinating.

Sample Sentence: The juicious concert left the audience cheering for more.

Related Products: Exciting Events

Adjective: Juicious

1. Describing a person who is exceptionally attractive or sexy.

Sample Sentence: The actor's juicious physique made them a heartthrob among their fans.

Related Products: Sexy Attire

Noun: Juicious

1. A website or app featuring reviews and recommendations for the best fruit juices.

Sample Sentence: I frequently visit a juicious to discover new brands of fruit juices to try.

Related Products: Fruit Juice Recommendations

Noun: Juicious

1. A person known for their expertise in creating delicious and unique juice blends.

Sample Sentence: The juicious at the local juice bar always surprises customers with their innovative recipes.

Related Products: Juice Blenders

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